01 September 2012

A Day in the Life: Thoughts on Spending


I finally moved out -- and was given internet access after a couple months, too! Yeah, exciting.

So, the curious thing about not being at home anymore is that I actually get along with my mom now. Weird, right? Not really. It has been my personal observation that people tend to get along with their parents more after they move out, mostly because they aren't around them 24/7.

I splurged. Most of my first chance to actually go to the store and shop was spent on anime. I know. Bad I.L.K 13. I just couldn't help it. FYE had my favorite anime series on sale! And they were the only copies in the store. And to top it off, I found the anime section in my local carry-it-all store. Seriously. The world is against me saving money. The planet's just don't like the idea. It is a good thing that I go to the bank and transfer money to my savings before I touch it each payday. Pay yourself first. That is what everyone says, and believe me. It pays off in the end. I am doing it and I have saved a million times faster than I did in high school -- granted I am making about three times the amount I did every paycheck than I did in high school. Still, it is seriously crazy how much advice I can give to people now.

But I also think that saving is not the only thing you have to do. You also need to spend or else you will always be worrying. You can't be worrying all the time. I personally plan on spending money on a new laptop. I just spent over a hundred bucks on a new cell phone and am giving the parental unit $70 a month to stay on their plan. I am going to be getting my own internatet here soon, if I am able to. And everyone knows that McDonald's does more than make you fat. In the end, my advice is to not waste what you make by saving or splurging all the time. You need to balance it.

Well, seeing as I suddenly have nothing interesting to write about anymore, I will not torture you with attempts.

Signing off!

