04 April 2012


I am watching it right now, and I realized that this movie is based on a story I heard on the news. I remember something about this. Anyway, as I watch this, I realize that all the more, I feel as though I need to take a stand on a bigger stage. I have given a speech on bullying during AcaDeca, I have written essays and articles about the topic. And the movie makes the idea come to life. You hear all the time about kids attempting suicide all the time, some succeeding.

I just wish the guy could always get the girl that way, standing up like that.

What I really like about this movie is that the girl stands and makes herself stand up, be strong, and accept that she cannot do everything on her own, but she understood that she also need to work on it herself.

I definitely recommend this movie to anyone. Just a warning: it is a tear-jerker.